Thursday, July 30, 2009
Jeb Hawkes: Super Mutant Baby Monster

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Amanda Harris: Too Stupid to Walk Across a Bridge!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Team Leviathan!!!
I think I know what it is...it's that team dynamic DS is so good at creating. Let me explain: During most of the major storylines, two major teams are created...a good guys team and a bad guys team. When the two sides are even in strength and number you've got yourself a good storyline...
For example, during the Petofi storyline you had some heavy hitters on both sides...
Good Guys: Barnabus, Angelique, Quentin, and Magda
Bad Guys: Petofi, Aristede, CD Tate, and Evil Tim Shaw
The Leviathan storyline just doesn't have the same dynamic:
Bad Guys: Barnabus, Elizabeth, The Todds, David, Amy, and super-aging evil baby
Good Guys: Julia Hoffman and an increasingly insane Paul Stoddard.
Those sides aren't even! Julia has to do some heavy recruiting...The other problem is that Barnabus isn't a very good bad guy. I enjoy the fact that he and Julia are enemies (nice change-up) but a reluctant Barnabus doesn't quite do it for me as far as bad guys go and the mutant evil baby isn't much of a physical threat at this point. Get Quentin's memory back and side him with Julia...then the sides will even out a little bit.
Oh, and did they really need to bring back CD Tate with his weird megaphone voice? What the hell was that? He was talking to Julia through a megaphone and she was, like, four feet away...That guy sure does bug me...
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Marie Wallace is INSANE!
That's not even acting...I think there is legitamately something wrong with this woman. Every character she plays is insane. Eve was angry insane...Jenny was maternal insane...and now Megan Todd is possessed insane!
No matter which character she's playing, the insanity is usually the same...Her eyes narrow, her lips form into a scowl, and the voice! If you're going to be insane you've got to have a nice screech and Wallace has perfected the insane screech...
Oh, and how creepy was that lullaby she used to sing as Jenny to those dolls? I still have nightmares about that lullaby. Creeeeeepy...
Anyways, I salute Marie Wallace for her quality insanity and the gigantic, insane jewelry she wears during the interviewis at the end of the DVD collections... Salute!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
What a storyline!
I almost didn't want to return to 1969 after that tremendous trip into the past but alas...all good things must come to an end...
I must say that I was a little disappointed with the way Petofi went out...Garth Blackwood? C'mon! Petofi completely dominated a vampire, a werewolf, and a witch simultaneously and some limping spectre with a chain takes him out single-handedly...please...Although that's what he gets for turning on his wingman, Aristede...how I loved his little fez hat...
I think the 1897 storyline was so strong because of the tremendous villains...From start to finish, the storyline was filled with villains who took Barnabus and company to the limit!
Evil Quentin Collins
The Phoenix
Reverend Trask
Count Petofi w/ Aristede
You had such strong villains that Angelique was forced to turn face! Angelique? A good guy? I never thought I would see the day! Actually, I didn't care for it...I want to see her up to her usual no good antics in the near future.
So cheers to the 1897 storyline! Good stuff...
P.S. I just started the Leviathan storyline...not so sure about this one...I've heard bad things...