Thursday, October 15, 2009

Don't Hire Zombie Pirates to Redecorate Your House

Finally, the long drawn out 1995 storyline came crashing to a close...

..and I think the best part about the whole thing was that, even though Barnabas and Julia knew EXACTLY what was going to happen to Collinwood and they had a dozen clues to work with, they were able to prevent absolutely, positively nothing...

Were they able to prevent the death of the children?


Were they able to prevent the death of Daphne?


Were they able to prevent zombie pirates from busting into Collinwood and breaking shit?

Definitely not...

Personally, I applaud the deaths of David and, were those two annoying during that storyline. And what happened to the whole Roxanne is a vampire storyline? The writers just sort of forgot about it toward the end there. Roxanne was still locked inside Barnabas's secret wall, for goodness sake! The only positive of the whole thing was when Maggie got bussed off to the looney bin, never to return...

And how about those zombie pirates tearing that place apart? How funny was that?! There was this one point when one zombie pirate throws a pair of pants or something and they land on another zombie pirate's head! Classic...

Now Julia is trapped in 1840 by herself...oh, I can only imagine the facial expressions we're going to be treated to...

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