Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Yaeger/Angelique Alliance!


Parellel time has finally kicked it into high gear with the return of all the major stars following the filming of the DS movie. Barney, Hoffman, and...ugh...even Maggie are back in the spotlight. My only question is where the heck is Bruno? The man's disappeared! Bring back Bruno!

My favorite recent happening has to be the alliance between Angelique and YAEGER!!! Even though Yaeger was involved with Sabrina and Buffy Harrington (whom I'm pretty sure he raped), he still couldn't help falling for that imbecile, Maggie Evans. What is it with this girl? Hmm...must be the microscopic skirts. Anyways, Angelique wanted Maggie out so she helped Yaeger kidnap her and now he's keeping her hostage in his rape villa where she spends her days looking scared with her gaping mouth and giant fish eyes.

But just when I thought no one could be more annoying than Maggie Evans, Sabrina Stuart comes out of nowhere to steal the crown! Man, that woman cannot act. She always has this weird half-smile on her face. It looks like she has cerebral palsy and only has control over half her face. No matter what emotion she's supposed to be feeling, she's always half-smiling. Scared? Half smile. Happy? Half-smile. Gassy? Half-smile. Thank God Yaeger saved me from her by choking her ass out. Thank you, Yaeger!

In the latest episode of "What were the writers thinking?, Barnabas spent two weeks crying about how he needs to get back to his own time and then, when he finally does, he cries about how he desperately needs to return to the parallel time to rescue Maggie. Uhh...what? He's back home! He did it! He succeeded! Why would he want to return to PT? There's another Maggie in his time who's just as stupid and probably also in danger whom he can save. Why did he return to PT? It doesn't make any sense! Oh well...maybe Yaeger will kill him too...


  1. Yeah, Sabrina's hair is just horrendous...I like it better when she has white hair and she's catatonic...

  2. Yeah, Supposing that her whole acting is almost catatonic anyway, it was a good part for her.
